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ASB 1° ET TALES: retour de CROYDON (GB)

Mardi 17 Octobre 2017, 21:33

A warm welcome to Royal Russell

Welcome to Royal Russell. I am delighted that you have expressed an interest in our School. Our happy, vibrant and forward-looking community provides our girls and boys, from 3 to 18 years, with an outstanding range of exciting opportunities.

Our academic ambition, our dedicated staff and focus on each individual’s talents and strengths ensure success at each stage of the learning journey from Nursery through to the Sixth Form and university beyond.

We have outstanding teaching and classroom staff who give their expertise, their knowledge, their time and of themselves to ensure that we achieve every possible success for our pupils. Royal Russell staff are committed to make to ensure that our pupils are encouraged, nurtured and, if necessary, driven to achieve their goals. In the classroom, the Houses and in the myriad of challenges and opportunities that they experience beyond, it is the guidance and inspiration of the teaching staff that enriches the experience of us all.

Chris Hutchinson

Contact Mme Magnard, professeur ASB

Cours Saint Charles
24, rue des Grands Champs
tel : 02. 38. 53. 13. 69