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ASB 4°: Accueil correspondants ROYAL RUSSEL SCHOOL

Jeudi 24 Mars 2016, 12:30


au collège

thumb ASB COLLEGE ROYAL RUSSEL f0bb717 young  French students went to Royal Russell after a rather long journey from Orleans, eager to meet their English partners from mainly Year 9 and 10.

They travelled via Eurostar and were greeted by Mrs Mawer at East Croydon station at 1 pm rather exhausted and very hungry!

The English partners came to meet them  in the canteen at 1.30 pm and off they went to their lessons, not much time to socialise.

It was an excellent experience for all pupils involved. 

thumb ASB ROYAL RUSSEL QUEEN 5464cRoyal Russell is an exceptional school with a strong sense of community and an emphasis on the care and rounded development of every student. Academic success is nurtured in a friendly and supportive environment by a highly talented and dedicated staff.


Lieu collège
Contact Mme Jacka-Muzard, responsable ASB

Cours Saint Charles
24, rue des Grands Champs
tel : 02. 38. 53. 13. 69