thumb ASB AUSTRALIENS PAVLOVA b4bacUn échange dans le vrai sens du terme, qui lie nos deux établissements depuis déjà 10 ans en cette année jubilaire du centenaire de St Kevins, "A Catholic School for boys in the tradition of Edmund Rice". Un établissement étonnant par son ouverture internationale, par la similitude de nos valeurs communes enracinées dans la foi catholique.



Un échange très enrichi cette année par les activités pédagogiques variées préparées en amont par les professeurs de St-Charles: cours d'économie, d'histoire de la monarchie,  biologie en laboratoire ou encore architecture. Merci aux concepteurs, aux acteurs et aux facilitateurs de ce programme d'immersion pour nos hôtes australiens.

Madame Nadia Cullun, professeur de français, conduisait la délégation à Orléans et à Chambord mais également à Paris ou les jeunes ont pu découvrir notre patrimoine artistique.


ASB ST KEVIN students in bush 2ef46A nos amis de St Kevin’s il nous reste qu’à vous dire, ‘Thank you and see you in 2020 !’.Des rires, des sourires, quelques larmes mais surtout une grande amitié qui s’est forgée lors des retrouvailles avec les correspondants de St Kevin’s, Melbourne, du 15 septembre au 2 octobre. Un séjour rempli de temps de partage et de découvertes, avec ce bain linguistique moitié français moitié anglais qui a permis à tous – les accueillants comme les accueillis- de parfaire leur connaissances de la langue et de la culture de l’autre. 

Mme Fournier, directrice ASB

photo: st Kevins, camp dans la nature (programme annuel)

The spirit and atmosphere of St Kevin’s is unique.ASB ST KEVIN UNIFORME e6445

St Kevin’s is proud of its reputation as one of Australia’s leading Catholic schools for boys.  For more than 99 years, St Kevin’s has produced young men schooled in their Catholic faith in the tradition of Edmund Rice, prepared to make a difference in Australian society.

Our success as a school will be measured by how influential the values we place before the boys are part of their lives five, ten and twenty years after school.  The “acid test” will be whether in work, relationships or the community that an SKC student will be discernable because they take decisions based on the “Good News”.  Our success as a school, a Catholic school in Edmund’s tradition, will not I believe be determined by the number of leaders we produce in industry, the professions or trades.  We should be judged as a successful school if the successful men who are Kevinians accept that they have a responsibility to not simply be successful personally but act so that their giftedness and success enriches the lives of others.  Only when our men believe that the norm as a barrister or surgeon is to act “pro bono” in some instances, or are the accountant who finds time to do the books for a charity, and converse with and advise the stranger seeking solace will we be able to say St Kevin’s is a successful school.  Many of our Old Collegians and our current students give me great hope that we will be judged favourably in the years ahead. A group of students recently asked me to give them a verbal snapshot of who we are. My reply was a good exercise in articulating briefly what we are about. First and foremost St Kevin’s is a Catholic school – we are part of the Church in every sense. Next we are a school in Edmund’s tradition – a modern interpretation of the visionary Waterford merchant who recognised that education liberates. My third statement was that we are a boys’ school – subjects, teaching styles and activities are boy focussed. Our status as a non-government school allows us as a community to shape our own destiny. Finally I wanted to mention our membership of the A.P.S. (Associated Public Schools) which allows our participation in such a diverse sporting program.

The boys of St Kevin’s enjoy coming to school and their connectedness to our community continues well into their adult life as ‘Old Collegians’.

To be part of the St Kevin’s family is a gift that calls on each of us fortunate to be part of this family, to use our talents to the full.

Stephen Russell
